A smart spoon for Parkinson’s patients has been designed by a 17-year-old, according to an article on 3DPrinting.com.


Revolutionizing Mealtimes for Parkinson’s Patients: A Teen’s Innovations

It was a typical family dinner at my uncle Arjun’s house in Bengaluru, India when I first witnessed the challenges Parkinson’s disease presented during mealtimes. Uncle Arjun, a Parkinson’s patient, struggled to maintain stability while eating, often spilling his food due to the uncontrollable tremors. This experience deeply moved me and ignited a passion within me to find a solution to this problem.

Being a 17-year-old with a decade-long interest in mechanics and robotics, I knew I had the skills and knowledge to create something that could make a significant impact. Inspired by this drive, I decided to channel my passion for robotics into developing an affordable solution for Parkinson’s patients like my uncle.

Devising a Plan

With determination in my heart, I embarked on a journey to create a smart spoon that could assist Parkinson’s patients during mealtimes. Utilizing my knowledge of microcontrollers, sensors, motors, and 3D printing, I set out to design a prototype that would detect tremors and counteract them, ensuring stability while eating.

Iterative Design Journey

The development process was not without its challenges. However, feedback from the RV College of Physiotherapy, where the spoon is currently undergoing trials, has been instrumental in guiding design improvements. The valuable input we received prompted us to make enhancements such as waterproofing, detachability for cleaning, and increasing the spoon’s depth to hold more food.

Recognition and Motivation

My hard work and dedication didn’t go unnoticed. I was thrilled when my invention was recognized at the World Robot Olympiad in Germany. This acknowledgment fueled my motivation for further development and encouraged me to push boundaries even more.

Affordability and Accessibility

While other smart spoons exist in the market, their cost remains a considerable barrier, particularly for individuals in countries like India. My main goal was to create a design that would be accessible to as many people as possible. With careful planning and cost-effective choices, I estimate that the final product will be available at an affordable price of around $80.

A Better Quality of Life

The potential impact of this smart spoon cannot be understated, given that Parkinson’s disease affects over 7 million individuals in India alone. Providing tools like this spoon can significantly improve the quality of life for these patients, allowing them to maintain their dignity during mealtimes.

A Clear Mission

My mission is simple yet powerful: to provide Parkinson’s patients with a means to enjoy their meals with ease and grace. By enabling them to overcome the challenges presented by tremors, my smart spoon aims to make a positive and lasting impact on their lives.

Looking Ahead

With the ongoing trials and validations at the RV College of Physiotherapy, we are optimistic about the future of this innovation. Once these processes conclude next year, we have plans in place for limited production targeting hospitals, where the need for such devices is the greatest.

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Together, let’s revolutionize mealtimes for Parkinson’s patients and make a difference in their lives.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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