The University of Birmingham collaborates on the 3D printing of valuable metals, reports


The University of Birmingham has formed a unique partnership with Cooksongold Additive Manufacturing to develop 3D printable precious metal alloys. This groundbreaking collaboration, funded by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Early-stage Prosperity Partnership, will bring together the expertise of key university figures such as Dr. Biao Cai, Professor Moataz Attallah, and Dr. Sophie Cox, along with technical specialists from Cooksongold.

Cooksongold, a renowned supplier in the jewelry sector with a long history in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter, has a dedicated additive manufacturing division that focuses on 3D printing precious metals. The company has previously showcased their capabilities in 3D printing precious metals by manufacturing gold parts for the Bentley Mulliner Batur automobile, as mentioned in a previous article.

EPSRC Prosperity Partnerships facilitate collaborative research between universities and manufacturers, and this particular partnership aims to address a critical challenge in the precious metal industry. Precious metals play a vital role in various industries, from healthcare to satellite production, with applications ranging from wedding bands to dental implants. The increasing demand for high-precision, customized components in these sectors has highlighted the significance of 3D printing, which offers unparalleled precision in bespoke manufacturing.

To meet this demand, the initiative will employ cutting-edge techniques to develop precious metal alloys specifically tailored for 3D printing in rigorous industrial contexts. Dr. Biao Cai has expressed his excitement about this collaboration and looks forward to working closely with Cooksongold to overcome pivotal obstacles in the precious metals domain.

This partnership between the University of Birmingham and Cooksongold is a testament to the commitment of both institutions to advancing the field of 3D printing and pushing the boundaries of additive manufacturing. By pooling their expertise and resources, they aim to revolutionize the production of precious metal components, opening up new possibilities for customization and precision.

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