Agnikul, an Indian startup, secures $24 million in series B funding to support advancements in 3D printing for the space industry.


In a groundbreaking turn of events for India’s burgeoning space technology sector, Agnikul Cosmos has secured a remarkable Rs 2 billion ($24 million) in a Series B funding round. This news comes as the company achieves remarkable progress in the field, particularly in the realm of 3D printing. With this financial boost, Chennai-based startup Agnikul takes a significant leap forward as it works towards expanding operations and bolstering India’s presence in the global space market.

Agnikul has garnered support from returning investors like, Pi Ventures, Mayfield India, and also welcomed new investors Celesta Capital and Artha Venture Fund. This substantial influx of funds brings Agnikul’s total financial backing to an impressive $58.6 million, providing the necessary resources to propel its ambitious goals forward. Co-founder and CEO, Srinath Ravichandran, expressed his excitement and gratitude for the capital infusion on social media, acknowledging the motivation it provides to continue their work. He also highlighted how the Series B funding will enable Agnikul to look beyond their initial launches.

One of the standout aspects of Agnikul is its trailblazing use of 3D printing in rocket manufacturing. Traditional methods of assembling rocket engines can be intricate and time-consuming. Recognizing the need for increased efficiency, Agnikul developed a cutting-edge, 3D printed engine – a trend also being adopted by its competitors. This technology allows engineers to create a single integrated propulsion engine with an optimized design. Unlike traditional engines that require multiple components and assembly, Agnikul’s engines are produced in a single 3D printed piece, streamlining the manufacturing process.

Agnikul utilizes laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and top-quality aerospace materials such as copper, Inconel, Monel, and titanium to combine all the engine parts during the 3D printing process. This approach results in an engine that weighs only five to six kilograms, considerably lighter than traditional engines that can weigh up to 25 kilograms. This reduction in weight enhances the efficiency of space vehicles, as well as reducing the cost of launching missions. Additionally, Agnikul claims that its one-piece 3D printed engine, known as Agnilet, simplifies error detection and qualification, ensuring a quicker and more reliable engine performance.

Agnikul has made significant strides in the space industry. Last year, they launched Agnibaan, India’s first factory for 3D printed rockets. Agnibaan is a spacecraft capable of efficiently transporting payloads of up to 100 kilograms to low Earth orbits (LEOs) spanning 700 kilometers. Its plug-and-play engine design allows for customization to cater to specific mission requirements. Furthermore, Agnikul celebrated a noteworthy milestone by inaugurating India’s inaugural private launchpad in Sriharikota, developed in collaboration with the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Center (IN-SPACe). This marked a significant step towards the privatization of India’s space sector, making space more accessible and cost-effective.

In a historic moment for India, Agnikul’s workforce celebrated last August as the nation became the first to successfully reach the lunar south-polar region. The Chandrayaan-3 mission, featuring the lander Vikram and rover Pragyaan, spent approximately ten days in this remote lunar region, gathering valuable data and images to be transmitted back to Earth. This achievement exemplifies India’s impressive capabilities in space exploration and is closely tied to Agnikul’s objectives.

Agnikul’s accomplishments seamlessly align with India’s broader aspirations in the global space market. Despite currently accounting for just 2% of the $400 billion global commercial space market, India has set an ambitious target of increasing its share to $40 billion by 2040. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proactive drive towards privatizing the space sector and attracting foreign investment has created an environment conducive for companies like Agnikul to thrive. The success of the Chandrayaan-3 mission has bolstered India’s credibility within the global space community, further propelling the nation’s space-related endeavors, including the work of Agnikul.

The startup’s commitment to reducing launch costs and offering pricing independent of payload mass positions it as a potential game-changer in the industry. Agnikul’s innovative 3D printed rocket engines, combined with its dedication to simplifying access to space, make it a pivotal player in India’s journey towards establishing itself as a prominent force in the global space arena. As the private space sector continues to evolve and expand, Agnikul remains at the forefront of revolutionizing space technology in India and beyond.

Title: Agnikul’s Funding Triumph Ignites Hope for India’s Space Tech Sector


As the Indian space tech industry continues to gain momentum, Agnikul’s recent funding success is testament to the growing confidence in India’s capabilities and potential. In this blog post, we delve into the inspiring story of Agnikul’s journey, highlighting the significance of their funding achievement within an industry brimming with innovation. Additionally, we provide a glimpse into the latest news from the booming 3D printing industry and share exclusive information and offers from third-party vendors. Stay informed and join us as we explore the exciting developments in India’s space tech sector.

Agnikul’s Milestone Funding:

Agnikul is an Indian aerospace startup that has been making waves in the space tech industry with its innovative solutions and disruptive technologies. Recently, the company secured a significant round of funding, reinforcing investors’ growing confidence in India’s potential in the space tech sector.

The funding success of Agnikul highlights the increasing recognition of India’s capabilities in developing cutting-edge space technologies. It also showcases the trust that investors have placed in the country’s scientific talent and entrepreneurship.

Agnikul’s Vision and Innovations:

Agnikul’s vision is to democratize access to space by developing affordable and flexible satellite launch vehicles. Their unique approach focuses on manufacturing small-scale, 3D-printed rockets that can launch satellites into orbit.

By leveraging 3D printing technology, Agnikul has achieved significant breakthroughs in rocket production, streamlining the manufacturing process, and reducing costs. This disruptive approach has gained attention from both domestic and international stakeholders, propelling Agnikul’s rise in the industry.

India’s Growing Space Tech Sector:

India’s space tech industry has rapidly evolved in recent years, backed by the government’s commitment to fostering scientific research and technological advancements. The country’s space agency, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), has played a vital role in enabling numerous successful space missions, earning India a reputation as a reliable player in the global space market.

Agnikul’s funding success serves as a beacon of hope for other startups in the space tech sector, showcasing the immense potential for growth and innovation in India. It indicates that investors are recognizing the value of Indian startups and the groundbreaking work they undertake.

Stay Updated with 3D Printing Industry:

In addition to the remarkable achievements in India’s space tech sector, we also bring you the latest updates from the bustling 3D printing industry. As the demand for additive manufacturing continues to surge, we aim to keep you well-informed about breakthroughs, trends, and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.

Exclusive Offers from Third-Party Vendors:

As part of our commitment to delivering valuable insights, we also provide exclusive information and offers from trusted third-party vendors. Collaborating with established companies in the space tech and 3D printing sectors, we aim to bring you exciting opportunities and discounts on cutting-edge products and services.


Agnikul’s recent funding success signifies a significant step forward for India’s space tech sector, reaffirming the country’s capabilities and potential. By staying informed and connected, we can witness the transformative impact of innovative startups like Agnikul, as they pave the way for a brighter future in the realm of space technology. Join us on this thrilling journey of exploration and keep abreast of the latest news, developments, and exclusive offers in the 3D printing industry.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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