At Formnext 2023, VISITECH raises 3D Printing to meet industrial standards.


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In the world of additive manufacturing (AM), there are some key players that drive the technology forward. One such company is VISITECH, a Norwegian pioneer in the field of digital light processing (DLP) systems. Recently, we had the opportunity to speak with Alfred Jacobsen, Managing Director of VISITECH Engineering GmbH, to learn about the exciting new technologies the company plans to showcase at Formnext 2023.

VISITECH is known for its DLP light engine systems, which are essential components of 3D printers. The company has recently launched its new NEOS platform, which encompasses all seven of its DLP light engine systems for AM. This includes a range of novel platforms and upgrades to existing systems.

One standout product from VISITECH is the LUXBEAM® LRS-MCx 4K light engine. This innovative engine doubles the additive manufacturing capacity of DLP systems by embedding 8 million native pixels within the engine’s digital micromirror device (DMD). This means that instead of needing four light engines to achieve 8,000 pixels width, just two engines are now sufficient. This not only streamlines the printing process but also allows for more precise 3D printed parts.

One of the key advantages of the LRS-MCX 4K is its potential for stacking multiple engines in a scrolling architecture. This simplifies calibration and alignment, making the printing process more efficient. Additionally, the higher pixel count allows for seamless side-by-side stacking even at a finer pixel pitch of 25 microns, resulting in improved printing quality.

According to Jacobsen, there is already high demand for the LRS-MCX 4K, with customers eagerly awaiting its implementation and prototyping. The product has also helped to broaden the use of scrolling in the industrial segment, attracting interest from those previously hesitant about this technology.

The NEOS platform from VISITECH focuses on robustness, allowing for consistent performance even in demanding conditions. It incorporates the company’s proprietary Gen5 UV LED sources, which increase power output by 20-30% and offer longer lifespans and faster cycle times. To ensure durability and reduce downtime, VISITECH has also enhanced the cooling systems and implemented clean air filters in its light engines.

Another key feature of the NEOS platform is the transition to FPGA-based control systems. This uniform software platform, known as LUXBEAM® Additive Manufacturing Application (LAMA), allows for seamless communication between the light engine and the 3D printing machine. Initially designed for scrolling products, LAMA has now become a staple in both scrolling and static light engines.

In summary, VISITECH’s new NEOS platform and the LUXBEAM® LRS-MCx 4K light engine showcase the company’s commitment to advancing AM technology. These innovations not only increase printing capacity and improve printing quality, but also provide robustness and durability for 24/7 production operations in industrial environments. With streamlined processes, enhanced cooling systems, and uniform software platforms, VISITECH is driving the additive manufacturing industry forward.

Introducing the Revolutionary NEOS Platform from VISITECH


VISITECH, a leading provider of 3D printing solutions, is proud to announce the release of their latest technology, the NEOS platform. With its groundbreaking features and enhanced capabilities, the NEOS platform aims to revolutionize manufacturing processes and redefine the way products are created.

One of the key advancements in the NEOS platform is the adoption of industrial-standard Ethernet interfaces for data and communication. This significant change has replaced previous data feeds, such as HDMI and display port, allowing for better integration of universally beneficial features like safety switches and security measures. This innovative approach ensures not only the correct display of images but also provides improved overall performance.

In addition, VISITECH is expanding its product line with two new units specifically designed for the professional market segment – the LRS Compact and LRS Compact Plus. While VISITECH’s existing products are focused on industrial production, these new units offer cost-efficiency without compromising on performance.

The LRS Compact and LRS Compact Plus differ in their intended applications. The LRS Compact is ideal for resolution-sensitive implementations, like dental work that requires high pixel accuracy. On the other hand, the LRS Compact Plus targets applications that prioritize higher productivity without the need for extreme precision, such as aligners.

“These products offer superior performance and cost efficiency, with optimized ownership costs, thanks in part to the free LAMA software and a common platform,” highlights Jacobsen, a representative from VISITECH. Both units have compact sizes, making them the most space-saving industrial projectors available in the market. This makes them suitable even for professional desktop applications, further broadening their appeal.

VISITECH’s entrance into the professional segment is driven by customer demand. Manufacturers who rely on VISITECH’s DLPs for industrial 3D printing have turned to the company as they expand their own product lines to target lower-cost segments. The LRS Compact and LRS Compact Plus provide the perfect solution for these manufacturers, meeting their specific needs efficiently.

To experience the NEOS platform firsthand, VISITECH invites you to visit booth C68 in hall 11.1 at Formnext 2023. At the event, attendees can engage in insightful discussions with product experts, witness live demos, and gain a deeper understanding of how the NEOS platform can transform their manufacturing processes.

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VISITECH’s NEOS platform is set to disrupt the manufacturing industry, bringing new possibilities and efficiencies to companies around the world. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this exciting advancement in 3D printing technology.

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