AMR’s Chart of the Week highlights the Metal 3D Printing Technology with the Highest Growth Rate.


Welcome to the new era of SmarTech Analysis, now known as Additive Manufacturing Research (AMR). Along with our rebranding, we are introducing a new feature for the Chart of the Week. Each week, we will provide our readers with a deeper dive into the world of additive manufacturing (AM) through a chart based on AMR’s research. This week, our chart focuses on the quarterly metal additive hardware order revenue from 2017 to 2023, categorized by different AM technologies: powder bed fusion (PBF), directed energy deposition (DED), metal binder jetting (MBJ), and bound metal deposition (BMD).

Looking at the chart, it is evident that the revenue from metal additive hardware orders has shown a consistent rise throughout the years. The standout technology in terms of revenue is PBF, which has experienced significant growth. Starting at $131.2 million in Q1 2017, PBF’s revenue has steadily increased, reaching a peak of $310.7 million in Q2 2023. This comes as no surprise, as PBF is currently the most widely adopted metal 3D printing technology in the industry.

DED, on the other hand, has displayed a more fluctuating revenue pattern but remains a significant contributor. It is the second most mature technology in this sector. With occasional peaks and dips, such as the notable rise to $237 million in Q3 2019 followed by a drop to $135.6 million in Q3 2020, DED demonstrates the dynamic nature of market demand for this particular technology.

MBJ and BMD have smaller shares of the revenue, which is to be expected given their novelty in the industry. However, both technologies have experienced growth over the period. It is worth noting that MBJ is being positioned as a method for mass production, and as a result, we can anticipate this segment expanding more rapidly than the other processes. Furthermore, BMD is seen as a complementary technology that will grow alongside MBJ. In fact, Apple recently announced its exploration of MBJ for the production of smartwatches. As a result, we expect MBJ to grow at a rate of 40.25 percent across the 6.5 years covered in the graph, while BMD will increase at a compound annual growth rate of 53.06 percent.

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Thank you for joining us in this new chapter of AMR’s journey. We look forward to sharing more insightful charts and analysis with you in the coming weeks.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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