Boeing has decided to implement 3D printing technology for the manufacturing of Apache Helicopters.


Title: 3D Printing Revolutionizing the U.S. Defense Industry: Boeing’s Latest Advancements


Recent developments in the U.S. defense industry demonstrate the growing adoption of 3D printing technology. Boeing, a renowned aerospace company, has unveiled plans to test a fully 3D-printed prototype of the main rotor system for their AH-64 Apache attack helicopter. This significant milestone in additive manufacturing showcases the potential of 3D printing in the defense sector. Let’s delve into the details of this groundbreaking advancement.

Jointless Hull Project:

In collaboration with the non-profit organization Applied Science and Technology Research Organization of America (ASTRO), Boeing presented its first 3D printed component as part of the Jointless Hull Project. This joint rotor assembly, created using the world’s largest metal 3D printer located at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, exemplifies the immense capabilities of this emerging technology.

Accelerating the Manufacturing Process:

One notable advantage of 3D printing in the production of AH-64 Apache parts is the speed at which it operates compared to conventional methods. The main rotor joint, made from 6000 series aluminum, was 3D-printed in its entirety in just eight hours. In contrast, the traditional forging process would take approximately one year to achieve the same outcome. Such accelerated production drastically reduces manufacturing lead times, opening up possibilities for improved supply chain optimization.

Economic Factors and Material Strength:

While conventional forging retains cost advantages in mass production scenarios, 3D printing offers greater economic benefits for smaller quantities. Additionally, the microstructure of 3D-printed components exhibits superior stability, robustness, and material strength compared to conventionally manufactured parts. This increased durability further enhances the suitability of 3D-printed parts for military applications.

Implications for the Defense Industry:

Boeing’s foray into additive manufacturing signifies a significant paradigm shift in the defense industry. By embracing 3D printing, the company aims to revolutionize the production of Apache helicopter parts, optimize supply chains, and streamline urgent repair work. Ultimately, this transformative technology holds immense potential for enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs in the defense sector.


Boeing’s commitment to exploring and harnessing the capabilities of 3D printing in the defense industry marks a pivotal moment in additive manufacturing. The advent of fully 3D-printed helicopter components and ongoing advancements in this field herald a new era of production efficiency and material strength in the U.S. defense sector. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly shape the future of aerospace manufacturing.

Share your Thoughts:

What are your thoughts on Boeing’s use of 3D printing in producing Apache helicopter parts? Do you foresee any challenges or opportunities that this technology presents? Leave your comments below or engage with us on our social media platforms – LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Stay updated with the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox by signing up for our free weekly newsletter. You can also access our videos on our YouTube channel.

*Cover Photo Credits: US Army

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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