A house capable of withstanding a 9.0 magnitude earthquake has been 3D-printed by this company.


In Guatemala, a team has achieved a groundbreaking feat by using 3D printing technology to construct an earthquake-proof house in just 26 hours. While this is not the first time a house has been 3D-printed, the team behind this project believes they have successfully designed a structure that can resist earthquakes. The walls of the house were printed using organic shapes, and traditional techniques from the region were combined, such as using palm leaves for the roof. COBOD International, a supplier of 3D printers, partnered with Danish architecture company 3DCP Group and cement company Progreso to build the 49 square-meter house.

The construction of the house involved 26 hours of printing over seven days, resulting in walls that are three meters high. The use of 3D printing allowed the architects to incorporate design elements inspired by Guatemala. The interior walls resemble the paw of a jaguar, which is native to the region. The roof made of palm leaves is reminiscent of ‘palapas’, which are dwellings commonly found in Central America. These roofs are well-suited for seismic regions and provide thermal comfort.

To ensure the house can withstand potential seismic loads, the team calculated the necessary strength by following local codes and global guidelines. They also conducted simulations of the building to ensure its design offers the highest possible security. The goal was to create a structure that could withstand a magnitude 9.0 earthquake.

However, the project faced challenges due to the extreme heat and direct sunlight, which can cause the 3D ink to crack. To overcome this, the team chose to do the printing at night. Heavy rainfall also posed difficulties during the construction process.

The interest in 3D-printed buildings has been growing in recent years, driven in part by environmental concerns. The construction sector is a major emitter of greenhouse gases, accounting for 40% of global material resource consumption and 38% of greenhouse gas emissions. Concrete, in particular, contributes 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions due to its energy-intensive manufacturing process. 3D printing has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental footprint of construction by minimizing waste.

Beyond environmental benefits, 3D printing technology also offers advantages for workers. The heavy lifting involved in traditional construction is eliminated, reducing physical strain. Additionally, this technique reduces the potential for errors and increases the speed of production.

This innovative use of 3D printing in Guatemala showcases the potential for technology to revolutionize the construction industry. By combining creativity with sustainability, the team has demonstrated that it is possible to build resilient, environmentally friendly homes in a fraction of the time traditionally required. As the technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more remarkable achievements in the realm of 3D-printed construction.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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