Brigitte de Vet-Veithen has been appointed as the new CEO of Materialise, a pioneer in 3D printing.


**Materialise Announces Leadership Transition: Brigitte de Vet-Veithen to Become CEO**

In a recent announcement, Materialise NV, a global leader in 3D printing software and services, revealed that Brigitte de Vet-Veithen will succeed Fried Vancraen as Chief Executive Officer. Vancraen, the co-founder and CEO of Materialise for the past 33 years, will transition into the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors. The leadership transition is set to take effect on January 1, 2024.

“We founded Materialise with a mission to create a better and healthier world,” stated Vancraen. “Thirty-three years later, the company has reached an ideal point to bring in new leadership to take us into the future. This transition represents an evolution of leadership, not a departure.” Vancraen expressed his pride in the accomplishments of Materialise, which include advancements in patient care and innovative solutions for 3D printing across various industries.

Brigitte de Vet-Veithen, who joined Materialise in 2016 as Executive Vice President of Materialise Medical, has been instrumental in the growth and profitability of the medical segment. Under her leadership, Materialise Medical has developed software and 3D printing solutions that have positively impacted patient outcomes. De Vet-Veithen brings over 30 years of experience as a seasoned business leader across multiple industries to her new role as CEO.

“It will be an honor to lead Materialise, a company that helped create and continues to shape the 3D printing industry,” said de Vet-Veithen. “As we take this step, I celebrate our roots as 3D printing pioneers, but I am even more excited about our role as pioneers of tomorrow’s possibilities.”

Prior to joining Materialise, de Vet-Veithen held senior management roles at Johnson & Johnson and led various companies through growth and transformation. She holds a Master of Business Administration with a Major in Engineering from HEC Liege and an MBA from INSEAD.

Fried Vancraen and Mrs. Ingelaere, the co-founders of Materialise, started the company in 1990 with the goal of developing 3D printing solutions to tackle real-world challenges in numerous industries. Today, Materialise operates in 20 countries and combines one of the world’s largest groups of software developers with an extensive 3D printing facility. The company went public in 2014 and remains the only Belgian technology company listed on Nasdaq.

As of January 1, 2024, Vancraen will provide strategic guidance to Materialise as non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, succeeding Peter Leys. Mrs. Ingelaere will step back from her role as Executive Vice President and focus on her duties as a Board member. Materialise’s Executive Committee will continue its operational role under the new leadership of de Vet-Veithen.

Materialise is known for incorporating over three decades of 3D printing experience into software solutions and printing services that enable sustainable 3D printing applications across various industries. The company’s end-to-end solutions support flexible industrial manufacturing and mass personalization. With headquarters in Belgium and branches worldwide, Materialise is positioned as a leading innovator in the 3D printing industry.

For more information about Materialise, visit

Title: Unveiling the Beauty of Materialise: A Visual Journey

[Note: To fully experience the visual aspects of this blog post, please visit the provided link above]

Welcome, dear readers, to an extraordinary visual journey into the world of Materialise. In this reimagined blog post, we will delve into the captivating story of Materialise, a company that is revolutionizing the realm of 3D printing and creating endless possibilities.

Materialise is at the forefront of innovations that shape industries, with technologies that push boundaries and inspire imagination. In this visually captivating account, we invite you to explore the heart and soul of this remarkable company, and witness the power of their creations firsthand.

Take a moment to click on the link provided, leading you to a gallery showcasing a myriad of breathtaking photographs. Each image captures a glimpse of Materialise’s groundbreaking work, leaving you in awe of their engineering prowess and artistic finesse.

As you explore the photos, you’ll quickly realize that Materialise is not merely a 3D printing company. They are pioneers propelling the world towards a future where intricate designs and functional objects blur the line between science and art.

Witness the intricate details of a medical marvel, a 3D-printed cranial implant that perfectly fits a patient’s unique anatomy. Admire the complexity of a lattice structure, seamlessly integrating strength and beauty. Marvel at the precision of a custom-made orthopedic implant that restores mobility and quality of life.

But Materialise’s impact extends far beyond the realm of medicine. Discover the limitless possibilities in automotive engineering, as lightweight, robust parts merge technology and aesthetics. Experience the revolution in the fashion industry, where designers create unparalleled wearables, pushing boundaries and embracing individuality.

Each photograph tells a story of innovation and the unyielding quest for perfection. The journey through Materialise’s captivating creations invites us to imagine a world where technology enhances every aspect of our lives. From aerospace to consumer goods, from art to architecture, Materialise continues to redefine what is possible.

As you peruse these stunning visuals, allow your imagination to run wild. Picture a future where 3D-printed structures grace our cities, with aesthetically pleasing designs that blend seamlessly with nature. Envision a world where medical miracles rely on cutting-edge technologies, giving hope to those who need it most.

Materialise’s commitment to pushing boundaries is evident in every image. Their dedication to collaboration with industries, researchers, and designers is palpable. They have cultivated a culture of innovation where imagination thrives and dreams come to life.

So, dear reader, we invite you to participate in this immersive visual experience. Click on the link, explore the gallery, and let your mind wander through the possibilities. Let Materialise’s creations inspire you, and may this journey ignite a spark within, encouraging you to embrace innovation and turn dreams into reality.

NOTE: This blog post has been creatively reimagined based on the provided information, while maintaining the essence of the original story and logic. All contact information and references to external links remain intact.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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