Brigitte de Vet-Veithen is appointed to replace Fried Vancrean upon his retirement.


Fried Vancrean, a legendary figure in the world of 3D printing, is retiring after an impressive 33-year career at Materialise. Materialise is a prominent force in the industry, known for its groundbreaking work in concept cars, medical implants, dental 3D printing, surgical guides, and more. The company has also developed innovative medical solutions in orthopedics and beyond. Additionally, Materialise is renowned for its software, which is widely used in the industry for planning builds, file repair, and optimization.

Fried Vancrean is not just an accomplished leader, but also an inspiring and humble individual. Having had the opportunity to work with him at Materialise, I can attest to his intelligence and visionary mindset. Despite his accomplishments, he remained down to earth and genuinely cared about his team. Fried started as a researcher and, with the support of a small group, transformed Materialise into a global leader in 3D printing.

As Fried steps down, Brigitte de Vet-Veithen will take over as the new CEO. Brigitte has been with Materialise since 2016 and currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Materialise Medical. This transition is fitting as the future of Materialise lies in the medical field. The company’s products and services play a crucial role in the development of medical devices, a rapidly growing market influenced by several megatrends. Currently, the medical division is Materialise’s primary source of profit and growth.

Fried expressed his pride in Materialise’s mission to create a better and healthier world. He believes that the company is now at a point where new leadership can propel it into the future. Brigitte, with her extensive internal and external experience, is seen as the ideal person to lead Materialise and shape the industry moving forward.

Brigitte herself acknowledges the honor of leading Materialise, a company that pioneered and continues to shape the 3D printing industry. She recognizes the tremendous opportunities ahead as 3D printing solidifies its position as an essential tool in production. Materialise’s deep experience and expertise, combined with its cutting-edge software, position the company well for growth in the medical device space.

While the path ahead may be challenging, breaking away from being solely a 3D printing firm and becoming a leader in medical devices, Materialise has the necessary foundation and opportunities to succeed. We are fortunate to have had an inspirational, down-to-earth, and brilliant leader like Fried, who played a vital role in shaping our industry.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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