Crane Division receives a groundbreaking $111M investment from Indiana University to support Microelectronics Advanced Manufacturing.


Indiana University (IU) is making a significant investment in emerging technologies, specifically focusing on advanced manufacturing techniques such as microelectronics and nanotechnology. This investment, totaling $111 million over several years, aims to strengthen IU’s collaboration with the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), Crane Division, which is located near IU’s campus in Bloomington.

The funding is part of IU’s strategic plan, known as IU 2030, which aims to maximize the institution’s potential to contribute to the state, national, and global economies. As part of this plan, $23.5 million will be allocated towards hiring new faculty members in fields related to microelectronics, nanotechnology, AI/ML, and cybersecurity. IU plans to target individuals with Department of Defense (DoD) experience and expertise in developing dual-use technologies that are applicable to both commercial sectors and the defense market.

Additionally, $53.5 million will be used to upgrade IU laboratories and facilities, allowing for improved collaboration with NSWC Crane and increasing the university’s ability to secure federal grants and contracts. Another $13.5 million will be dedicated to the implementation of new degree programs in microelectronics and nanofabrication, further enhancing the partnership between IU and NSWC Crane.

The investment has been hailed as a crucial step in advancing the longstanding and productive partnership between IU and NSWC Crane. Russell Mumper, IU’s VP for Research, noted the importance of NSWC Crane’s mission and the opportunities it presents for innovative solutions to national security challenges. Angela D. Lewis, NSWC’s technical director, expressed appreciation for IU’s investment, emphasizing the critical role of research capabilities, innovative technologies, and a highly trained workforce in ensuring the future security and defense of the United States.

The partnership between NSWC Crane and IU began in 2011 and has since grown in scope and impact. NSWC Crane specializes in providing engineering and technical support for various defense systems, including sensors, electronics, electronic warfare, and special warfare systems. This aligns with IU’s focus on additively manufactured electronics (AME) and the potential role that 3D printing could play in IU’s collaboration with Crane.

IU’s investment announcement comes on the heels of the Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons Hub receiving a significant grant from the Department of Defense (DoD) to create regional innovation hubs. This further underscores the importance of IU’s focus on emerging technologies and its role in shaping the future of the US economy.

The investment by IU reflects a larger trend in the global economy, highlighting the importance of public-private partnerships and the crucial role of research institutions and vocational training programs. As the microelectronics sector continues to advance, it will be essential to monitor how the knowledge and expertise gained from this sector will impact other industries in the economy.

Overall, IU’s investment in emerging technologies positions the university and the state of Indiana at the forefront of advanced manufacturing and research. This forward-thinking approach will not only contribute to national security but also drive economic growth and innovation in the years to come.

Indiana University (IU) has always been at the forefront of technological advancements, and its latest focus on the semiconductor sector is set to have a profound impact on various markets such as electric vehicles (EVs) and clean energy. By understanding the significance of IU’s workforce and infrastructure developments, we can anticipate the exciting changes that lie ahead.

The semiconductor industry plays a crucial role in powering modern devices and technological advancements. From smartphones to artificial intelligence, semiconductors are the backbone of our digital world. Recognizing the growing demand for semiconductor products, IU has strategically positioned itself to become a major customer/partner in this sector.

The implications of this move go beyond just the semiconductor industry. As IU continues to build up its workforce and infrastructure to support the semiconductor sector, it will inevitably have a ripple effect on related markets such as EVs and clean energy. These industries heavily rely on semiconductors for their operations and functionalities.

Take EVs, for instance. As the world shifts towards greener transportation alternatives, the demand for electric vehicles is soaring. However, the success of EVs lies in their ability to integrate advanced technologies and optimize performance. Semiconductors play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and smart capabilities of EVs. With IU’s commitment to the semiconductor sector, we can expect a boost in the development of cutting-edge semiconductors specifically tailored for EVs, thereby revolutionizing the electric transportation landscape.

Similarly, clean energy is another sector that stands to benefit from IU’s involvement with the semiconductor industry. Clean energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, rely on innovative semiconductor components to harness and optimize renewable energy sources. IU’s efforts to strengthen the semiconductor workforce and infrastructure will undoubtedly drive advancements in clean energy technologies, making them more efficient and accessible.

To stay informed about the latest updates and breakthroughs in the 3D printing industry, sign up for newsletters and follow IU’s progress closely. By doing so, you can stay ahead of the curve and gain access to valuable information and offers from third-party vendors. This will enable you to stay abreast of the cutting-edge technologies emerging as a result of IU’s involvement in the semiconductor sector.

In conclusion, Indiana University’s foray into the semiconductor sector is set to revolutionize various markets, including EVs and clean energy. As IU builds a strong workforce and infrastructure dedicated to semiconductors, we can anticipate groundbreaking advancements that will shape the future of these industries. By staying informed about IU’s progress, we position ourselves at the forefront of these changes, ensuring that we don’t miss out on the opportunities they present. So, let’s embrace the exciting times ahead and watch as IU’s impact reverberates across the technological landscape.

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