Wind Turbines, Sculpteo, and Axial3D are featured in the latest uncovered news about 3D printing.


Title: The Reshaping of the 3D Printing Industry: BASF, Axial3D, and the DOE’s Wind Blade Project


The 3D printing industry is continually evolving, with companies and organizations constantly striving to innovate and reshape manufacturing processes. In this blog post, we will explore three recent developments in the industry: BASF’s decision to shut down Sculpteo’s marketplace, a new collaboration between Axial3D and GE Healthcare, and the Department of Energy’s investment in wind turbine blade manufacturing.

BASF’s Marketplace Shutdown:

On November 4th, BASF announced the closure of Sculpteo’s marketplace, the community design sales portion of the site. However, designers will still have access to their files. Alexandre d’Orsetti, a representative from BASF, stated that the impact of this decision was limited to only a handful of designers. He emphasized that the company’s online business is growing steadily and is now more focused on production for end-use parts and series. This decision raises questions about the viability of the marketplace model. Was it flawed, or simply lacking the necessary scale to succeed?

Axial3D and GE Healthcare Collaboration:

In a recent move towards revolutionizing the medical field, Axial3D and GE Healthcare signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The collaboration aims to integrate GE’s oZTEo bone imaging application with Axial3D’s segmentation tools. This partnership holds immense potential for the creation of patient-specific models, surgical guides, and even implants. By leveraging these advanced technologies, healthcare professionals can provide more accurate and personalized care, leading to improved patient outcomes.

DOE’s Investment in Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing:

The Department of Energy (DOE) has allocated $30 million to fund thirteen projects focused on transforming the manufacturing process of wind turbine blades. One of the major recipients, receiving $2,849,000, is the Composites Manufacturing Simulation Center (CMSC) of Purdue University. Collaborating with partners such as Thermwood, Techmer PM, TPI Composites, Dassault, and Dimensional Innovations, CMSC plans to explore the potential of additive manufacturing (3D printing) for tooling in large-scale wind blade manufacturing. The project, named “Additive Manufacturing of Modular Tools with Integrated Heating for Large-Scale Wind Blade Manufacturing,” has ambitious goals of reducing tooling costs by 40%, weight by 25%, and overall manufacturing costs by 35%. The use of 3D printing technology will enable the creation of convective cooling channels and pave the way for the development of digital twins for manufacturing purposes.


The 3D printing industry is continuously advancing, with new developments and collaborations constantly reshaping manufacturing processes across various sectors. BASF’s decision to close Sculpteo’s marketplace prompts critical reflections on the effectiveness of the marketplace model. However, the overall online business of BASF continues to grow, focusing on end-use parts and series production. Furthermore, the collaboration between Axial3D and GE Healthcare holds immense promise for the future of patient-specific care. By integrating segmentation tools with advanced bone imaging applications, healthcare professionals can provide accurate and personalized treatments. Lastly, the Department of Energy’s investment in wind turbine blade manufacturing, particularly the use of additive manufacturing for tooling, showcases the potential to drive down costs and enhance efficiency in the industry. Stay updated on the latest news and advancements in the 3D printing industry to witness the ongoing transformation of manufacturing processes.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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