Groundbreaking Jointless Hull 3D Printer Bags a Technical Achievement Award” –


The Jointless Hull machine of the US Army, recognized as the most significant additive and subtractive manufacturing tool worldwide, secured the coveted 2024 Technical Achievement Award for 3D Printing Innovation. The machine’s development involved prominent partners including Ingersoll Machine Tool, Siemens, and LIFT. This unique tool has revolutionized manufacturing at the Rock Island Arsenal Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center.

As part of the U.S. Army’s modernization plan worth $4.5 billion and spanning 15 years, the Jointless Hull prototype is in line with the Rock Island Arsenal Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center’s vision to lead the Army’s modernization initiatives.

Chase Cox, the Vice President of Meld Manufacturing, provides that the process mirrors conventional blacksmithing, which forms metal under pressure and heat, but it adopts a refined, machine-driven strategy. The Jointless Hull’s impressive print volume of 20 ft x 30 ft x 12 ft presents opportunities for large-scale 3D metal printing, possibly overhauling the fabrication of equipment such as tank hulls.

“To be able to 3D print something that is forging level quality didn’t exist until now,” said Edward Flinn, director of the Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence at RIA-JMTC.

“In the past, except for some unique situations, it’s always been a weldment or assembly using conventional techniques. The joints were always the weakest section of the part. This new system makes it possible for people to not worry about the joints or seams because you can make it in one piece.”

Looking ahead, the Jointless Hull’s future capabilities hold the promise of further advancements in 3D metal printing technology. Its potential to operate autonomously around the clock could significantly reduce manufacturing time while ensuring the delivery of stronger, more reliable components—charting a course for the next era of Army manufacturing.

For more info about the Jointless Hull project, check out our previous article below:

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