In a $32M funding round, NVIDIA supports Machina Labs’ Robotic Stamping.


Machina Labs, a company specializing in robotic stamping, recently announced that they have successfully raised $32 million in a Series B funding round. This brings their total funds raised to an impressive $45 million. The funding was led by NVidia’s NVentures, with support from Innovation Endeavors. These funds will be used to further enhance research and development efforts and expand the company’s business.

Machina Labs CEO, Edward Mehr, expressed his excitement for the partnership with NVidia, stating that their expertise in artificial intelligence and high-performance computing will greatly benefit Machina Labs as they continue to develop their AI and simulation capabilities. He also expressed gratitude to Innovation Endeavors for their continued support of the company’s vision.

The concept of a toolless factory is gaining traction, with companies like Divergent Technologies championing the idea. This vision of an agile and fluid manufacturing environment is appealing to investors who see traditional factories as efficient but rigid. Machina Labs aims to take this concept further by integrating artificial intelligence and digital offerings into their manufacturing process, making it even more flexible and digitally integrated. This is reminiscent of the promise of 3D printing, and it has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry.

Sam Smith-Eppsteiner, a partner at Innovation Endeavors, praised Machina Labs for their demonstrated execution, technology gains, and commercial traction over the past two years. He believes that the company will play an important role in key industrial trends of the next decade, such as domestic re-industrialization, defense innovation, electrification, and commercial space.

Mohamed Siddeek, Corporate Vice President and Head of NVentures, emphasized the impact of artificial intelligence on various industries, including manufacturing. He commended Machina Labs for their work in sheet-metal formation, stating that it enables companies to operate manufacturing facilities with improved efficiency and broadened capabilities.

Machina Labs’ robotic forming process has the potential to serve a wide range of markets and applications. They not only compete with established industrial processes like stamping, but they also have plans to expand into other cell-based production methods. Similar to Divergent Technologies, they aim to offer a digital production system that utilizes robots in cells for toolless manufacturing.

The appeal of a turnkey, flexible digital manufacturing system is far-reaching. Companies like Optomec have already integrated additive and subtractive processes within a single cell for repairing turbine blisks, and the addition of artificial intelligence to this mix could attract significant investment.

In conclusion, Machina Labs’ recent funding success is a testament to the potential of merging robotics and artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry. Their commitment to developing innovative technologies and their partnerships with industry leaders position them for continued success in the future.

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