Ultimaker has announced significant improvements in response to the high-speed 3D printing trend.


UltiMaker, one of the leading 3D printer manufacturers, has finally joined the high-speed 3D printing race with significant improvements in print speed. In recent years, several companies have introduced desktop FFF 3D printers that are capable of printing at incredible speeds, some as much as 5-6 times faster than traditional machines.

These high-speed printers have been made possible through innovative machine firmware that compensates for vibrations generated at high print speeds. Bambu Lab was the first to introduce a high-speed machine, prompting other manufacturers to follow suit. Many providers have since announced the release of their own sped-up equipment.

However, UltiMaker had remained relatively silent on the topic of high-speed printing until now. They have announced that their popular S series of professional 3D printers will now have significantly improved print speeds, effectively doubling their previous capabilities while maintaining the same print quality.

UltiMaker attributes this speed improvement to the release of UltiMaker Cura 5.5, which includes a range of optimized speed profiles. These new profiles cover UltiMaker-branded materials such as ABS, PLA, Tough PLA, and PETG. In addition to speed improvements, UltiMaker has also made enhancements to material flow rates, nozzle pressures during line type switches, internal wall pathing, and infill motions.

This move by UltiMaker is strategic as they face increasing competition in the high-speed printing market. By improving their print speeds, UltiMaker aims to retain existing customers while also attracting new buyers. A 3D printer that can print twice as fast essentially doubles the printing capacity, making it an attractive proposition for those with large UltiMaker farms.

While the announcement doesn’t provide specific details on how UltiMaker achieved the speed increase, it is likely through optimized print profiles rather than a firmware upgrade or additional hardware components. The 2X speed increase falls short of the 5-6X speeds offered by some competitors, indicating that UltiMaker is yet to develop a new configuration that can achieve higher speeds.

However, this announcement suggests that UltiMaker is actively exploring ways to improve print speeds further. It’s worth keeping an eye on UltiMaker to see what developments they unveil next. Whether it involves a firmware upgrade or other technological advancements, it is clear that UltiMaker is committed to pushing the boundaries of 3D printing speed.

Overall, this move by UltiMaker is a positive step that will benefit users and help them stay competitive in the rapidly advancing world of 3D printing. With the potential to double print capacity and deliver faster results, UltiMaker is positioning itself as a significant player in the high-speed 3D printing market.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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