Introducing HOOPS Luminate: Tech Soft 3D’s Advanced 3D Rendering Solution for Engineers


The additive manufacturing software firm Tech Soft 3D has released its innovative graphics software development kit (SDK), known as HOOPS Luminate. The software is designed to provide cutting-edge real-time rendering capabilities along with photo-realistic images.

HOOPS Luminate gives developers the power to control rendering, utilize image quality tools, and gain access to a library filled with convincing materials, all bundled under a single toolkit. The software has been designed to support an array of rendering styles and integrates several technologies including rasterization and ray-tracing. It also includes a customizable rendering pipeline.

A single C++ API facilitates data sharing for real-time and ray-tracing renderings, allowing for concurrent usage in the same view through its hybrid rendering mode. The SDK operates on a multi-threaded Unicode engine and is compatible with various operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

“The unveiling of HOOPS Luminate to our partners and the more extensive engineering world is a cause of excitement for us as the quality, realism, and speed of renderings created using this SDK is state-of-the-art,” says Marco Salino, the Product Manager of HOOPS Luminate. “Developers using HOOPS Visualize as a bridge get to enjoy an engineering-specific graphics engine capable of generating stunning photo-realistic renderings, introducing a new degree of realism to their applications.”

HOOPS Luminate provides developers with photo-realistic and advanced real-time rendering for engineering applications in digital construction, product development, and interior design. Photo via Tech Soft 3D.

Elevated engineering graphics with seamless integration

Integration with HOOPS Visualize enhances engineering graphics capabilities, enabling developers to achieve visual results in applications. HOOPS Luminate will serve as a key component of the integrated HOOPS SDK suite, meeting the need for high-quality, physically accurate rendering, and empowering the next generation of engineering software applications. The integrated HOOPS SDKs facilitate easy CAD data import using HOOPS Exchange, rendering with HOOPS Visualize and HOOPS Luminate, enabling engineering applications with top-tier rendering.

HOOPS Luminate excels in both rasterized and ray-traced rendering, achieving high-quality images interactively through proprietary data organization algorithms and hybrid rendering technology, says the company. The extensive HOOPS Luminate Materials Library features customizable realistic materials based on physical parameters, spanning categories like stones, wood floorings, concrete, fabrics, metals, jewelry, and more.

The inclusion of realistic simulation techniques such as reflections, refractions, soft shadows, caustics, and ambient occlusion in rendering technologies demonstrates the intricate interactions of light. The use of advanced techniques such as global illumination comes courtesy of REDsdk, the core product of Redway3D acquired by Tech Soft 3D in 2022. This contributes to HOOPS Luminate’s standing as a rendering solution provider for the engineering software industry.

Patrice Tiberi, the Deputy General Manager of Product and Strategy at TopSolid, has stated that the advanced rendering capabilities of HOOPS Luminate allow TopSolid users to navigate 3D models in a virtual environment that has an uncanny resemblance to reality. This allows designs to be validated and presented in an exciting way.

In order to integrate the visualization and simulation Software Development Kits (SDKs) of Ceetron into Tech Soft’s Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) portfolio, Tech Soft 3D acquired Ceetron AS in the past. The main aim of this move was to boost the support for developers working on simulation and analysis applications, thereby expanding the client base in manufacturing, building, and construction.

A wave of software solutions

New software developments in the sector have been gathering momentum. For example, the 3D printing software company Castor introduced a software feature that translates 2D sketches into simulated 3D views, which enhances efficiency in the transition to 3D printing. The automated geometric analysis facilitates swift decision-making, taking into account material properties, cost-effectiveness, and digital supply chain benefits.

This process speeds up the selection of parts for 3D printing, significantly reducing the time-to-market. CASTOR’s software independently extracts the manufacturing details from 2D drawing PDFs, providing recommendations and financial analyses, which enables engineers to make informed decisions faster.

In addition, Dassault Systèmes introduced SOLIDWORKS 2024, the latest version of its 3D design and engineering software. In response to user requests for improved efficiency and collaboration on product development, a standout feature allows users to store SOLIDWORKS data in an earlier release, promoting seamless collaboration with those using previous versions.

Other significant features include the Collinear Dimension Command, addressing issues related to dimension text overcrowding, and Cloud Services integration for streamlined data management and collaboration. SOLIDWORKS 2024 enhances efficiency and communication across disciplines, focusing on design intent and collaboration.

Engineering software developer nTop, launched nTop 4, a software update targeting challenges in additive manufacturing (AM). The update features Field Optimization, a generative design technology streamlining AM design complexity.

In addition, Implicit Interop eliminates data exchange bottlenecks, ensuring seamless data transfer. nTop Automate improves design automation, now with Linux support for cost-effective cloud computing. nTop Accelerate offers personalized training and workshops, maximizing its impact.

Read all the 3D Printing Industry coverage from Formnext 2023.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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