Introducing the LulzBot TAZ Pro: A New Dimension in 3D Printing with Extended Y-Axis and Enhanced Build Volume


The LulzBot TAZ Pro Long Bed [Source: LulzBot]

There’s a new LulzBot: the TAZ Pro Long Bed.

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a new device from LulzBot, but this is quite an interesting device. From the device’s name, and its slogan (“Maximize your Y-axis”), I think you can guess what the main feature could be.

Most cartesian 3D printers tend to have a somewhat cube-like build volume, but that’s not the case here. The Long Bed has a build volume of 282 x 582 x 285 mm, certainly maximizing the Y-axis.

Really long Y-axis assembly on the LulzBot TAZ Pro Long Bed [Source: LulzBot]

This effectively doubles the build volume of the TAZ Pro, and enables production of much larger parts.

There are some expected features, such as a magnetically attached spring steel print sheet, but here the sheet isn’t at all square: it’s a long rectangle. There’s a convenient handle for easy lifting.

Really long print plate on the LulzBot TAZ Pro Long Bed [Source: LulzBot]

The apparatus additionally conducts automated bed leveling, this specific operation extends over a significantly wider region. Utilizing a 32-point array of measurement points, the machine essentially deploys two 16 x 16 arrays.

Employing the Asteroid 285 as the tool head, it notably contains dual heaters. Remarkably, the nozzle diameter measures a substantial 1.2mm, significantly superior compared to the conventional 0.4mm typically present on most desktop 3D printers, it also surpasses the 0.5mm nozzles detected on numerous TAZ units.

According to the specifications, the minimum layer is a sizable 0.3mm, conversely, it can rise to a hefty 0.9mm. Fascinatingly, the mechanical features possess capabilities that could potentially exceed this range.

The inference that could be gleaned is that it was the potential intention of the machine’s designers that the Long Bed be primarily operated for the printing of larger objects. Therefore, the opportunity to print more quickly would be advantageous. Nonetheless, this enhanced speed could imply a compromise on the surface quality: the layers could be more noticeable.

The Long Bed may not necessarily require high precision surface quality for the functional parts printed on it. That may not be a significant concern.

Interestlingly, you could upgrade the nozzle to an impressive 2.4mm diameter. This upgrade allows for incredibly fast, albeit coarse, 3D printing. And because of this, it’s safe to guess that prints made using the Long Bed would take less time to produce.

Also, the Long Bed comes equipped with the common filament run-out sensor, along with an additional feature: a “stripping sensor”. This unique sensor identifies when the filament has stopped moving—a situation which a standard filament run-out sensor cannot detect, and this contributes toward making prints more reliable.

On the subject of material compatibility; it is compatible with anything that can tolerate a temperature under 290C, as this is the maximum temperature of the hot end. Compatible materials include PLA, TPU, ABS, PETg, PVA, PVB, Nylon, PC, amongst many others.

There’s also an optional enclosure for this large 3D printer.

It’s priced at US$7,995, and comes with a one year extendible warranty.

Via LulzBot

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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