Leading Dental 3D Printing Solutions Provider Set to Exhibit at GNYDM


NEW YORK, Nov. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Chamlion, a digital dental expert, is set to showcase the design-print-polish solutions and diverse dental applications at the upcoming Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) in New York.

As a leader in the Hardware as a Service (HaaS) within the field of dental 3D printing, Chamlion has succeeded in connecting 3D printers globally to build distributed cloud factories with intelligent manufacturing abilities. These have the power to efficiently manage a wide variety of FDA-approved dental applications. This has dramatically cut costs for end users, thus allowing dental labs to benefit from advanced and efficient 3D printing services without the need for purchasing expensive equipment.

Dental labs are also given the option of one-stop design, data processing, and post-processing services. These include a design team made up of over 100 experts that can process large amounts of data at once. This digital revolution offers dental labs the advantage of low costs, making for an intriguing development in the dental industry.

Chamlion plans to display a variety of dental applications at the GNYDM this year, including 3D printed C&B, frameworks, Malo Bridge, Zirconia products, and a newly revealed clear aligner solution.

About Chamlion

Chamlion currently operates in 27 countries and is establishing more than 300 cloud factories to provide one-stop services for thousands of dental labs. The current Chamlion cloud factory can process the data of more than 100,000 dental crowns and 10,000 partial frameworks per day.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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