“Making 3D Printing Accessible and Affordable for All Industries: Unveiling 1000 Kelvin’s AMAIZE”


The software firm based in Berlin, 1000 Kelvin, has declared the complete commercial availability of its AI-based software known as AMAIZE at Formnext 2023.

The firm has also unveiled its initial collaborations with organizations that manufacture 3D printers, such as EOS, and vital clients like a rocket launch provider based in California. Having secured funding of $3 million, 1000 Kelvin has also spread its operations beyond Europe, and established a presence in Los Angeles, California, to serve clients in the aerospace and defense industry better.

Omar Fergani, Ph.D., the Co-Founder and CEO of 1000 Kelvin, stated that the sector of manufacturing and production accounts for a fifth of the world’s carbon emissions and more than half of the world’s energy usage. 3D printing is uniquely positioned to tackle these problems, but it needs to function consistently. AMAIZE increases 3D printing efficiency, reduces waste, and makes the technology easier to use, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Achieving first-time right results by optimizing 3D printing

AMAIZE harnesses the power of physics-informed AI technology to create the ideal print recipes, ensuring precise 3D printing from the initial try. Once a print file is uploaded to the AMAIZE cloud, the software examines the component and auto-corrects any thermo-mechanical issues by enhancing scan strategy and process parameters. This method gets rid of the requirement for costly finite element simulation software and lessens the demand for multiple tangible iterations, eventually saving materials, costs, and energy. 

The AMAIZE solution, a cloud-native, has been directly incorporated with numerous machine OEMs by 1000 Kelvin, which is carving out a path for the next generation of AI software and compute infrastructure in additive manufacturing. Having concluded the early adoption program successfully, AMAIZE has been positively received by companies in the energy, aerospace, and contract manufacturing sectors. Of particular interest is an instance involving a rocket launch provider located in California that confronted significant challenges in 3D printing a crucial component. These print failures sprang from overheating and considerable reduction in support structures leading to inefficiencies and postponements.

By leveraging AMAIZE, the company was able to digitally iterate solutions to manage thermal issues, accomplishing a successfully printed part with improved surface quality and performance. Noteworthy, AMAIZE facilitated an 80% decrease in support structures, causing over a 30% reduction in the overall cost per part with regards to both saved material and post-processing costs. The case study shows how AMAIZE’s focus on addressing the underlying cause, specifically thermal management, hastens time to market.

1000 Kelvin’s software serves as an autocorrect copilot for 3D printing. By utilizing a physics-informed AI, AMAIZE automatically detects and rectifies issues in a print file without adjusting the original design to achieve a flawless part the first time it is printed.

Recent developments in the software sector

Oqton recently launched its new AI-powered Oqton Build Quality software enhancing Manufacturing OS and 3DXpert products for part quality tracing and build performance evaluation. By combining 3DXpert Build Simulation, MOS Build Monitoring, and 3DXpert Build Inspection, the software rectifies errors in build setup, printing, and materials. This early anomaly detection ensures successful builds, enabling manufacturers to establish consistent, cost-effective processes for both prototyping and production, resulting in high-quality parts.

3D printing software developer Dyndrite introduced a VIP Onboarding for its Dyndrite LPBF Pro software. Tailored for Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) professionals, this software significantly advances 3D metal printing. It enhances part printing, accelerates build rates, and reduces costs. Compatible with 3D metal printing machines, Dyndrite LPBF Pro seamlessly integrates with brands like Aconity3D, Renishaw, and SLM Solutions.

Read all the 3D Printing Industry coverage from Formnext 2023.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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