Makers utilize 3D printing technology to design an SSD grip for filmmaking on the iPhone 15 Pro, according to


Title: Revolutionizing Filmmaking Accessories: 3D Printed SSD Grip for iPhone 15 Pro


In the fast-evolving world of smartphones, filmmakers Michael Tobin and Cliff Curtis have introduced a groundbreaking accessory for the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. They have developed a 3D printed Solid State Drive (SSD) grip that caters to the external ProRes recording capabilities of these smartphones. This innovative accessory aims to provide a secure and ergonomic way to attach SSD drives for data storage.

The Design:

Tobin and Curtis’ SSD grip for the iPhone 15 Pro boasts an array of features designed to enhance user experience. Its key elements include port accessibility for microphones and dongles, 1/4-20 screws for attaching additional gear, and a versatile design that accommodates both horizontal and vertical shooting orientations. The grip’s flexible rubber material, utilized in its prototype stage, offers a firm grip and adaptability to accommodate various SSD drives. Inspired by vintage point-and-shoot cameras, the grip’s dimensions are slightly larger than the iPhone to provide added security during usage.

Enhancements and Accessories:

Taking customer feedback into account, Tobin and Curtis have incorporated design alterations that facilitate easier access to the SSD drive. The final model is available in green and black matte finishes and features three 1/4 20 mounts on its sides, allowing for tripod mounting or the attachment of accessories like lights and microphones. While mass production is not the goal, each SSD grip is individually 3D printed. The creators have acknowledged that there may be minor aesthetic lines that appear during the printing process. To give users the freedom to customize according to their specific needs and SSD models, cables and adapters are not included in the package.

The Significance of 3D Printing:

This groundbreaking development highlights how 3D printing technology can rapidly respond to niche requirements in the filmmaking industry. As smartphones continue to evolve into more capable recording devices, the need for specialized accessories becomes increasingly vital. The advent of the 3D printed SSD grip showcases the potential of additive manufacturing to cater to these specific demands.


For those interested in owning this revolutionary accessory, the SSD grip for the iPhone 15 Pro is available for purchase at $49.95. It can be acquired through the website.


Filmmakers Michael Tobin and Cliff Curtis have introduced a game-changer in the world of smartphone accessories with their 3D printed SSD grip for the iPhone 15 Pro. This innovative product not only provides a secure and ergonomic way to attach SSD drives for data storage, but also incorporates features that enhance the overall filming experience. By showing how 3D printing technology can quickly adapt to niche requirements, Tobin and Curtis have opened the door for further advancements in the filmmaking industry. As smartphones continue their evolution as powerful recording devices, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking accessories in the future.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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