NAMI of Saudi Arabia is set to initiate the qualification process for 3D printed components used in the oil and gas industry.


Exciting News from Saudi Arabia: NAMI Takes Key Step Towards Qualifying AM Parts for Oil & Gas Sector

National Additive Manufacturing & Innovation Company (NAMI), an AM services bureau based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has made an important announcement at the AM Conclave in Abu Dhabi. The company has taken a significant step towards qualifying parts produced with additive manufacturing (AM) for the oil & gas sector.

NAMI is a joint venture between Dussur, a government investment fund in Saudi Arabia, and 3D Systems, a leading pioneer in the 3D printing industry. The company has been working towards this goal with the help of DNV, one of the world’s most influential classification societies in the oil & gas and maritime sectors, and Aramco’s Consultant Services Department (Saudi Aramco is a stakeholder in Dussur).

Representatives from DNV recently visited NAMI’s facility in Riyadh for an audit. The audit involved reviewing NAMI’s AM facility documentation, production, and quality control procedures, evaluating the effectiveness of traceability of the parts, and witnessing the Build Process Qualification (BPQ) build. This audit followed DNV’s Joint Industry Project (JIP) Phase I and Phase II guidelines for the oil & gas sector.

NAMI hopes to achieve DNV’s Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) Level 1 for powder bed fusion (PBF) parts by mid-October. This involves demonstrating success at BPQ and laying the foundation for further qualification. The company aims to complete Part Qualification and Production Specification (AMC Levels 2 and 3) by the end of this year.

If NAMI successfully receives DNV’s AM Facility Certification, it will become the first facility within 3D Systems’ network to qualify oil & gas parts. 3D Systems is also part of DNV’s JIP Phase III, which began in 2022. This phase aims to make the qualification process more comprehensive and explore the sustainability potential of AM for the oil & gas sector.

This development in Saudi Arabia’s AM progress is a significant milestone for the entire oil & gas sector. NAMI’s association with Saudi Aramco, one of the world’s most powerful oil companies, indicates that the sector is about to cross a critical historical threshold in adopting AM technology. 3D Systems stands to benefit greatly from this progress, thanks to its global network of 3D printers and relationships with major manufacturers.

While it may take some time before 3D printed oil & gas parts become widely available, the current rise in oil prices suggests that there is a growing demand for long-term infrastructure plans in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, this year’s refinery maintenance season is expected to be less comprehensive, potentially leading to more intense maintenance seasons next year. This calls for increased productivity and innovative solutions, such as 3D printing, to stay on track.

While it may seem unlikely that 3D printed oil & gas parts will have a significant impact in the next six to twelve months, the global economy has proven that unexpected outcomes can occur. NAMI’s progress signals a positive shift in the industry and sets the stage for future advancements and opportunities.

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