The 3D Space: A Journey into Computational Engineering


LEAP71, a relatively new player in the 3D space, has recently announced a partnership with The Exploration Company. While LEAP71 may not be a household name just yet, the story behind their creation is quite interesting. They actually have ties to the German startup Hyperganic, which gained recognition a few years ago for their groundbreaking software that utilized “algorithmic engineering”. This software employed advanced computational algorithms to design incredibly complex shapes that could be 3D printed. One of their notable creations was the astoundingly intricate aerospike rocket engine, which we highlighted as the Design of the Week in May of last year.

However, things changed for Hyperganic when a corporate shakeup occurred, leading to the departure of the original founders. One of them, Josefine Lissner, decided to establish a new company called LEAP71, located in Dubai. LEAP71 now develops software that employs similar magic, generating computer code to create designs for physical objects. The result is an algorithmic model that can be customized for specific applications, allowing for faster iteration and product customization. Essentially, created objects become part of a growing code base for future developments.

Visiting LEAP71’s website unveils an impressive collection of intricate designs, all generated by their software and process. These designs find applications in various high-end industries, including aerospace. The latest update from the company reveals a partnership with The Exploration Company, aimed at developing a computational model for generating rocket engines. This model will be employed in the Exploration Company’s orbital Nyx module. Hélène Huby, the CEO of The Exploration Company, explains that this approach to engineering, using computational models, aims to accelerate the improvement and validation of their engines by reducing the cost of space exploration.

Computational engineering, enabled by recent advancements in software and hardware capabilities, is a novel approach to part design. While still not widely adopted, it is expected to gain popularity in the future due to its capabilities and the industry’s needs. LEAP71’s partnership with The Exploration Company is just one example of how this approach can revolutionize the field of engineering. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from LEAP71.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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