New legislation has caused more than 110 manufacturing projects to be initiated.


Title: The Inflation Reduction Act and its Impact on Clean Tech Projects


In the year following the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the CHIPS and Science Act, the landscape of clean tech manufacturing projects has experienced significant changes. With over US$400 billion in tax incentives aimed at revitalizing domestic cleantech and semiconductor supply chains, it’s no surprise that numerous large-scale manufacturing projects have been incentivized. In this blog post, we will specifically focus on the emergence of new clean tech projects and the role of 3D printing in their development.

Solar Power Plants as a Game Changer:

One major development that has disrupted the status quo is the construction of several solar power plants in the United States. These plants have emerged as alternatives to China’s historical monopoly in the solar industry. Notable projects include Maxeon Solar’s US$1 billion plant in Albuquerque, New Mexico, First Solar’s US$1.1 billion facility in Louisiana, and Hanwha Q Cells’ US$2.5 billion plant in Georgia. These projects are eligible for extra tax credits and direct payments if they meet domestic content requirements, encouraging the growth of domestic solar photovoltaic (PV) production.

3D Printing’s Role in Solar and Wind Projects:

As solar projects continue to expand, the need for fasteners and other components has become crucial. This is where 3D printing comes into play. The ability to 3D print these components offers cost-effective and efficient solutions for the solar industry. Similarly, wind projects, which face increasing cost challenges, can also benefit from 3D printing. Applications such as cement for offshore drilling platforms, turbine blades, and turbine components can be fabricated using advanced 3D printing techniques.

Rise of Geothermal and CHP Projects:

Another noteworthy trend in the clean tech sector is the increasing popularity of geothermal and combined heat and power (CHP) projects. These technologies have proven to be highly efficient and reliable. To further incentivize their adoption, the IRA has increased the available tax credits from 10% to 30% or more. Additionally, building projects incorporating geothermal and CHP technologies can generate significant Section 179D tax incentives of up to US$5.36 per square foot. This paves the way for further growth and innovation in these fields.

The Impressive Progress in a Year:

In just one year, the clean tech industry has witnessed remarkable progress, with a staggering US$200 billion invested in various projects. This rapid growth can be attributed to the tax incentives provided by the IRA and the CHIPS and Science Act. As these projects move forward, it is essential for the 3D printing industry to take note of these developments and actively participate in the process.


The implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act has had a transformative impact on the clean tech sector, particularly in manufacturing projects. The emergence of new clean tech projects, such as solar power plants and the rise of geothermal and CHP initiatives, highlights the potential for a sustainable and decarbonized future. By leveraging 3D printing technologies, these projects can be executed efficiently and cost-effectively, further bolstering the growth of the clean tech industry. It is an exciting time for clean tech, and all stakeholders should be aware of these developments and actively contribute to this positive trajectory.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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