Smart Gloves, Architectural Ceramics, and More Highlight This Week’s 3D Printing News Briefs on October 14, 2023.


We have some exciting 3D printing news to share with you today! Our first story is about a groundbreaking research on vat photopolymerization for high viscosity resin. You may be wondering what this means, so let me break it down for you. Vat photopolymerization is a technique commonly used in 3D printing because of its efficiency and versatility, but it requires UV curable resin with high fluidity. This has been a challenge as high-viscosity resins often need to be diluted before use, which sacrifices their mechanical properties. Furthermore, the curing process can lead to material deformation.

However, a team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made significant progress in this area. Led by Professor Wu Lixin, they have developed a linear scan-based vat photopolymerization system that allows for the use of ultra-high viscosity resin in 3D printing. This means that UV-curable resins can now be prepared without the need for diluents, preserving their mechanical properties. The team has achieved promising results, demonstrating that high-stress elastomers and toughened materials can be easily obtained using their system. This research opens up new possibilities for 3D printed materials with diverse properties.

In other news, two postgraduate students from the University of Cambridge are exploring the use of 3D printed smart gloves for human-robot collaboration. The gloves are equipped with a flexible conductive mesh that changes its conductivity in response to applied strain. By measuring resistance changes in the mesh, the gloves can detect deformations and conform to any desired shape. The goal is to use these self-sensing mesh gloves for gesture reconstruction and 3D shape tracking, which can have applications in sign language, augmented reality, virtual reality, and more. This project has been recognized with a prestigious research award, and the students will now develop an algorithm to reconstruct the mesh’s deformation.

Moving on to the world of architecture, a recent exhibition at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery showcased the use of 3D printing in architectural ceramics. The exhibition titled “Robotic Clay: New Methods in Architectural Ceramics” explored innovative approaches to ceramic design using 3D printing and robotics. One interesting concept that was highlighted was the inverted neck design for compact Helmholtz resonators. These resonators, made from glazed stoneware and plywood, offer a unique combination of form and function. This exhibition demonstrated the emerging possibilities of 3D printing in architectural applications, pushing the boundaries of design and materiality.

Finally, we have some exciting news for owners of the YOYO EV from XEV. The company is now offering the opportunity to customize their cars using 3D printing technology. This means that owners can personalize various aspects of their vehicles, making them truly one-of-a-kind. 3D printing enables flexible and efficient customization, allowing for endless design possibilities. This initiative by XEV demonstrates the growing trend of customization in the automotive industry and how 3D printing is playing a crucial role in making it possible.

To conclude, these stories highlight the incredible advancements being made in the field of 3D printing. From overcoming the limitations of high-viscosity resins to creating self-sensing mesh gloves, the potential of this technology is truly remarkable. Whether it’s in manufacturing, architecture, or even personalization of everyday objects, 3D printing continues to revolutionize the way we create and innovate. The future of 3D printing is bright, and we can’t wait to see what comes next!

Revolutionizing Architectural Ceramics: The Intersection of Robotics and Creativity

Architectural ceramics have long been valued for their beauty, durability, and versatility. But what happens when you bring robotics into the mix? Recently, an exhibition called “Robotic Clay: New Methods in Architectural Ceramics” showcased the incredible potential of merging traditional ceramic crafting with emerging technologies.

Curated by David Correa, James Clarke-Hicks, Isabel Ochoa, Denis Longchamps, and Peter Flannery, the exhibition invited academic institutions from all around North America to present their ceramic pieces created using robotic techniques. These digital fabrication methods included CNC milling multipart molds, clay 3D printing, waterjet carving, and more.

The exhibition demonstrated how these methods, when combined with traditional ceramic crafting, can create walls and functional components that forge new forms and spatial languages. By leveraging the characteristics of the material and the capabilities of emerging technologies, the exhibition highlighted the exciting possibilities for architectural ceramics.

Among the participants in the exhibition were renowned institutions such as the University of Waterloo, Laurentian University, Carleton University, the University of Toronto, the University at Buffalo, Dalhousie University, and the University of Calgary, to name just a few. Their innovative creations showcased the breadth of talent and imagination within the field.

But the merging of robotics and ceramics isn’t limited to artistic expression. Researchers from the University of Michigan’s BioMatters team are paving the way for more efficient and environmentally friendly concrete construction methods. They have developed a nearly zero-waste solution using upcycled sawdust as a biodegradable and reusable material.

Millions of tons of sawdust waste are created each year from 15 billion cut trees. By harnessing 3D printing technology, the team can create wood formwork from this sawdust, which shapes the concrete during casting. Once the concrete is cured, the formwork is removed and recycled by grinding and rehydrating the upcycled material with water.

This innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize the concrete industry, as formwork accounts for about 40% of construction expenses. By utilizing a waste byproduct from the wood industry, the team has found a sustainable and cost-effective solution.

Another example of 3D printing technology in action is XEV, an urban mobility company that has been using 3D printing since its inception in 2018. Their latest offering, the YOYO model, features a 3D printing customization service called Xpression. Customers can personalize the exterior of their car by replacing the YOYO blade, the plastic component on the door, with different options.

Through a collaboration with New York-based art platform UAAD, artists continuously provide stylish and fun options for YOYO drivers. This customization service adds a personal touch and allows users to express their individuality.

But it’s not just about aesthetics. The YOYO mini EV also boasts intelligent features such as frameless windows, a geometric body design, panoramic anti-UV glass roof, three-dimensional LED lights, and a pure electric range of 150 km. With EPS electric power steering and minimal turning radius, it’s perfect for navigating busy city streets.

XEV has also partnered with European energy giant ENI to deploy and operate battery swapping networks across Europe. This collaboration allows YOYO drivers to easily swap out lightweight battery packs at swapping stations, making urban travel more convenient.

Finally, let’s turn our attention to a unique use of 3D printing technology. Integza, a skilled maker, designed a 3D printed ion thruster. But this thruster isn’t meant for sending high-altitude aircraft or spacecraft to the sky. Instead, it’s a creative project that showcases the versatility of 3D printing.

The world of robotics and 3D printing is constantly evolving, impacting various industries and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Whether it’s revolutionizing architectural ceramics, enabling personalized car customization, or inspiring creative projects, these technologies are changing the way we create, build, and innovate.

As we continue to explore the intersection of robotics and creativity, who knows what new possibilities and groundbreaking applications await us in the future? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the world of robotics and 3D printing is brimming with endless potential.

Unleashing the Power of Ions: Integza’s Revolutionary Ion Thruster

In the realm of propulsion technology, a new player has stepped onto the scene – Integza’s battery-powered desktop ion thruster. This innovative device takes a novel approach to generate propulsion, harnessing the power of ions.

But what exactly are ions? In simple terms, ions are charged particles – atoms or molecules that have gained or lost electrons. Interestingly, when electrons are pulled from a neutral gas supply, a cloud of positive ions is created. These ions are then accelerated by electromagnetic or electrostatic forces, resulting in a powerful propulsive effect.

Integza’s ion thruster, designed specifically for desktop use, has been making waves in the industry. Crafted from 3D printed parts, including a resin ring plated in copper for reduced weight, this compact and solid-state device is a testament to the incredible possibilities of modern technology.

One aspect that has garnered attention is the mesmerizing effect of a “pleasing discharge” generated by the ion thruster. This discharge is accompanied by a gust of air that can blow out candles up to 16 inches away! Imagine the possibilities – a futuristic gadget that not only propels objects but also adds a touch of flair to your birthday celebrations.

The concept behind the ionic wind, as Integza explains, is quite fascinating. When electrons are shot from one place to another, they collide with air molecules, propelling them in a specific direction. By stacking multiple wires in tubes, a surprisingly efficient fan can be created. This got Integza thinking – why not transform this bladeless fan design into an ionic thruster?

Excitingly, Integza has made the 3D printing files for the desktop ion thruster available under a permissive public domain license. This gesture highlights their commitment to advancing the field and making groundbreaking technology accessible to all.

While the device has shown promising potential as an engine for a simple boat, further developments are needed to address its weight limitations. When high-voltage transformers were added to increase the output, the thruster became too heavy. However, this setback is merely a bump in the road to progress, and it is undoubtedly a challenge that innovative minds in the field will soon overcome.

As we marvel at the accomplishments of Integza’s ion thruster, we must also acknowledge the broader implications. The rise of 3D printing technology allows for incredible creations, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. This device serves as a testament to the power of combining technological advancements and creative thinking to shape the future.

The world of 3D printing and the ion thruster industry are constantly evolving. To stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments, make sure to follow industry publications and keep an eye out for information and offers from third-party vendors. The possibilities are endless, and who knows what groundbreaking innovations lie just around the corner.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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