Revolutionizing Additive Manufacturing: Metafold’s Innovative 3D Printing and Lightweighting Features


Cloud and API-based 3D engineering platform provider Metafold has announced new features aimed at promoting wider acceptance of 3D printing and lightweighting as alternatives to conventional manufacturing methods.

The update incorporates compression simulation, conformal mapping for lattice structures, and substantial alterations to both the user interface (UI) and API. These changes aim to improve accessibility for engineers and software developers involved in additive manufacturing design. Additional features comprise template workflows, extended support for import and export file formats, improved project management capabilities for teams, and a revamp of the software architecture to expedite releases of new features in the future.

“Additive manufacturing shouldn’t be so hard, yet the mind-boggling geometric complexities have prevented companies from adopting advanced 3D printing capabilities,” shared Dr. Elissa Ross, Co-Founder and CEO of Metafold. “With our new release, we’re trying to help more companies see all the benefits of additive manufacturing by making our breakthrough geometry kernel accessible to more engineers and more software developers. They can create new shoes, explore biotech developments, or make heat exchange advancements and other innovations while leaving the mathematical intricacies to Metafold.”

Transform complex lattices to perfectly fit part boundaries without sacrificing design intent. Photo via Metafold.

Demystifying the process of additive manufacturing

There’s a notable addition with the deployment of one-click simulation for 3D engineered components, which guarantees accurate predictive performance for mechanical compression. This simulation enables engineers to swiftly evaluate and finalize designs without the need for physical test prints or external simulation programs. The incorporation of conformal mapping into Metafold simplifies the process of mapping lattice cells to a part’s boundary. By permitting engineers to focus on the product design, this integration allows Metafold to efficiently handle intricate geometrical challenges.

The designers gain from UI improvements, savoring a more user-friendly work environment that reduces the intellectual burden associated with software navigation, thereby availing more time for innovative ideation. The improved API, based on modern web standards, not only offers a greater number of samples but also opens up access to cutting-edge geometry processing capabilities. It has the potential to expedite the launch of web-based applications with complex geometry.

“The Additive industry is on the verge of a crucial phase where design and simulation are not matching up to the technology’s potential,” expressed Jacques Perrault, a renowned 3D Design Pioneer and Influencer. “Metafold’s distinctive approach challenges the standard norms, bringing in a novel class of additive software that’s designed for scalability and empowered by the cloud.”

For a limited time, Metafold is offering open beta access to simulation capabilities at three simulations per month in the free edition of the Metafold Platform. Simulation and conformal mapping are expected in the Professional edition in the future. Interested parties can explore the open beta here.

Effortless additive design and simulation

Metal 3D printer developer Meltio launched Meltio Space software and the Meltio Robot Cell, responding to the increasing demand for its Meltio Engine Robot Integration. The Meltio Robot Cell, a turn-key solution for 3D printing metal parts, offers a safer and more efficient method. Meltio Space, a user-friendly toolpath generator, supports various robotic brands, providing planar and nonplanar toolpaths. The software ensures accurate 3D printing by simulating robot movements, minimizing errors. Optimizing the capabilities of the Meltio Engine, Meltio Space delivers continuous updates and provides a user-friendly interface, all at a competitive annual subscription price.

Engineering software developer nTop launched a software update named nTop 4, aiming to address challenges in additive manufacturing (AM) design and production. nTop 4 includes Field Optimization, a generative design technology streamlining AM design by managing complex parameters and enhancing part performance. Implicit Interop eliminates data exchange bottlenecks, reducing file sizes and facilitating seamless data transfer. nTop Automate improves design automation, now available for Linux, enabling cost-effective cloud computing. nTop Accelerate offers personalized training and workshops to maximize impact.

Read all the 3D Printing Industry coverage from Formnext 2023.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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