Revolutionizing Auto Industry: A 3D Printed Customizable Concept Car


At last year’s Japan Mobility Show, Daihatsu Motor Co introduced a number of new vehicles. Among them was the concept car me:MO, which uses several 3D printed parts. This small electric car offers complete customization for both the exterior and the interior, enabling future customers to have a car that truly represents them. While not much information has been disclosed by the Japanese automaker, this prototype exemplifies the potential of additive manufacturing in the automotive industry.

A daughter company of Toyota, Daihatsu Motor Co strives to “Remain Close to Our Customers and Enrich Their Lives.” This involves creating more compact concept cars that cater to consumers’ needs, such as environmental friendliness and improved mobility. In late November, the company unveiled me:MO, a mini electric car with a completely customizable battery. This vehicle uses 3D technology to manufacture several components, offering abundant choices to the end-user.

According to the automaker, “We have transformed car production by allowing changes not only to the design but also to the shape of the vehicle, by building a modular structure of interior and exterior pieces with necessary and sufficient functionality. This lets us offer a sustainable car that can adapt to customer’s life and usage changes over a long period.”

As previously mentioned, it is not known which 3D printing process was preferred, or which material was used. It is assumed that large-format fused deposition was chosen, as the technology enables large parts to be produced in a variety of thermoplastics and colors. In any case, the focus is on hyper-customization, and this is indeed a determining factor for more and more motorists today. Me:MO is 3 meters long and can therefore incorporate 3D-printed decorations, on its body for example, but also in the passenger compartment.

It remains to be seen whether this concept car will remain at this conceptual stage, or whether the Japanese manufacturer will release a viable commercial model. We’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, you can find out more HERE.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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