The ESA StarTiger Project has been successfully completed by 9T Labs.


The ESA StarTiger project has recently concluded, marking a significant achievement in the advancement of space technology and manufacturing. This groundbreaking initiative brought together several leading companies and academic institutions to showcase cutting-edge developments in the industry.

One of the key participants in the project was 9T Labs AG, a company specializing in the digital, automated, and cost-competitive production of continuous fiber components. Their expertise was crucial in the successful completion of the project.

The ESA StarTiger framework has gained recognition for its ability to foster innovation and collaboration within the space industry. By bringing together various entities including Airbus Defence & Space, Ommatidia Lidar, Cranfield University, LIST, and the ESA, the project was able to leverage their unique expertise and resources.

The journey of the ESA StarTiger project began in March 2023, with a diverse team representing six different nationalities coming together in Toulouse. This team comprised four industrial entities, two academic research laboratories, and the esteemed ESA Agency. Their mission was to challenge the conventional boundaries of space technology by showcasing the complete manufacturing and assembly, integration, tests, and verification chain of a Space Robotic Factory within an ambitious timeline of just six months.

To achieve these goals, the multidisciplinary team worked within the Airbus incubation laboratory. This facility allowed them to harness a fusion of space and non-space technologies. Some notable technologies employed in the project included state-of-the-art additive manufacturing technologies for metal and CFRP-TP, robotic manipulators, and advanced perception capabilities featuring cutting-edge cameras and 3D LIDAR technology.

The successful completion of the ESA StarTiger project is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in pushing the boundaries of space technology. By bringing together leading companies and academic institutions, the project has paved the way for further advancements in the field.

To learn more about this groundbreaking project, visit the VoxelMatters website.

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