The IWK Institute in Germany has developed a 5-axis FFF 3D printer called ‘5X’, which is an innovation alert.


A groundbreaking development has emerged in the world of 3D printing, with a student in Germany creating a five-axis fused filament fabrication (FFF) printer. Daniel Aeschbacher, a student at the IWK Institute of Materials Science and Plastics Processing, has developed a printer called the “5X” that incorporates two additional rotation axes, enabling the conformal printing of components and eliminating the need for support structures.

The Head of AM at the institute, Daniael Omidvarkarjan, shared the news on LinkedIn, stating that Aeschbacher’s invention allows for the printing of 3D models without requiring support, as the print plate can tilt and rotate to accommodate various shapes and structures. A one-minute video demonstrating the device’s capabilities further confirms its efficiency.

Despite the impressive demonstration, it’s important to note that occasionally support structures will still be necessary, particularly for more complex geometries. However, the 5X’s ability to print circular structures is a significant advancement, and it is also capable of printing with multiple materials, although the exact method is not shown in the video.

While the 5X is currently only a research project and not commercially available or open source, its concept is deemed feasible. It is possible that an existing 3D printer manufacturer may collaborate with Aeschbacher to further develop and produce the design. Alternatively, Aeschbacher could explore launching a startup company to bring the 5X or a derivative of the technology to market.

Although the mechanical aspects of the 5X are more sophisticated than those found in typical 3D printers, the true innovation lies in the software. The complex motion of five axes necessitates advanced software controls, and it is likely that a significant portion of Aeschbacher’s work focused on this aspect.

The emergence of the 5X showcases the continuous progress and innovation within the field of 3D printing. As technology advances further, we can expect to see more advancements that push the boundaries of what is possible in additive manufacturing.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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