The Potential Revival of Slower 3D Printers: Transforming from ‘Junk’ to High-Speed.


There is a fascinating implication that arises from the achievement of high-speed printing on the Prusa Mini. The world of desktop 3D printing is now being dominated by high-speed 3D printing. Thanks to the introduction of vibration compensation, also known as input shaping, desktop 3D printers can now operate at much higher print speeds. While typical 3D printers run at speeds between 40-80mm/s, those with the new feature can reach astonishing speeds of up to 600mm/s under certain circumstances. This means that prints can now be completed 3-5 times faster.

Having recently used a series of high-speed devices from various manufacturers, I have been truly impressed by their capabilities. The prints now finish in such short durations that it almost feels like something out of science fiction. However, there is a downside to experiencing these rapid print speeds. Once you get accustomed to the convenience and efficiency of completing a print job in just a few hours, it becomes difficult to go back to using slower printers.

Looking around my workshop, I can’t help but view my “slow” 3D printers as obsolete. They are perfectly usable machines, but the fact that they take so much longer to complete a print makes them unappealing. It seems that many others might share this sentiment after experiencing high-speed desktop 3D printing. We are headed towards a world where these slower printers will become obsolete and eventually be discarded.

But perhaps there is another way forward. Prusa Research, in an attempt to catch up with Bambu Lab’s ultra-fast devices, has introduced the MK4, which is touted as a high-speed machine. However, the firmware that truly enables high-speed operations has not been officially released yet. Interestingly, they have managed to port their high-speed firmware onto their smallest machine, the Prusa Mini. This experimental firmware is now available for download at no charge, allowing Prusa Mini operators to upgrade their machines and enjoy supercharged printing speeds. It’s worth noting that this firmware is still in the alpha stage, so users should exercise caution.

This development got me thinking about all those “junk” 3D printers I mentioned earlier. If Prusa Research can resurrect one of their basic printers with advanced firmware, then couldn’t the same be theoretically possible for other desktop 3D printers? The conventional wisdom suggests that random printers wouldn’t be capable of high-speed printing due to their mechanical systems not being robust enough to handle faster motions and rapid momentum changes. Consequently, high-speed operations have thus far been limited to new machines with suitable motion systems and rigid frames.

However, the Prusa Mini defies this conventional wisdom. It is a cantilever design, offering far less rigidity compared to typical bed-slinger style printers. If Prusa Research can make the Mini print significantly faster through firmware upgrades, it should be feasible to do the same for most other printers. But will other manufacturers follow suit, like Prusa Research, and offer free firmware upgrades for their older printers? Or will they simply release new high-speed machines in the hopes of generating sales? My suspicion is that most companies will choose the latter, meaning we shouldn’t expect widespread availability of high-speed firmware upgrades from manufacturers.

This leaves the task of firmware upgrades to third-party providers and individual DIY operators. The DIY community is resourceful and will likely find ways to install Klipper or similar high-speed firmware on their older machines. However, there could be a potential business opportunity for someone to develop packaged high-speed firmware upgrades for various older machines. Considering the millions of slow printers currently in use worldwide, many of which are likely capable of high-speed printing, there could be a viable market for such upgrades. Machines like the Prusa MK3 and the Creality Ender-3 are widely adopted, making it financially feasible to cater to this demand.

In conclusion, the achievement of high-speed printing on the Prusa Mini has opened up new possibilities and implications for the world of desktop 3D printing. While this development may make older, slower printers seem obsolete, it also presents opportunities for firmware upgrades and the potential for a new business niche. As the industry evolves, it will be fascinating to see how manufacturers and the DIY community adapt to the demand for high-speed printing and whether older machines can be revitalized through firmware updates.

Title: Transforming Your Workshop with an Affordable DIY Upgrade Kit


Calling all makers, creators, and 3D printing enthusiasts! If you’ve been struggling with slow 3D printers in your workshop, we have an exciting solution that will breathe new life into these seemingly outdated machines. In this blog post, we will explore an inexpensive do-it-yourself upgrade kit that has the potential to turn those old printers into powerful tools once again. So, don’t rush to discard them just yet – they might not be junk after all!

The Challenge:

It’s not uncommon to find 3D printers in workshops that have lost their luster over time due to technological advancements. What were once cutting-edge machines may struggle to keep up with the demands of modern printing. However, before you consider replacing them with newer, costlier models, let’s think differently and consider an alternative approach.

The Solution: An Affordable DIY Upgrade Kit

Rather than investing a significant amount of money in new printers, why not give your existing ones a second chance? Our team of engineers and tech enthusiasts has developed an incredibly affordable do-it-yourself upgrade kit, specifically tailored to transform slow 3D printers into efficient, high-performing machines.

By leveraging the open-source ethos, we have utilized existing projects and created a perfect blend of hardware and software enhancements to revitalize your old printers. This kit is designed to be easily installed and compatible with a wide range of printer models, making it accessible to the majority of workshop owners.

For those who are more inclined towards tinkering or want a tailored experience, an open-source project can also serve as an excellent alternative. Open-source platforms provide a wealth of resources, allowing you to customize and optimize your printers according to your specific requirements.

Unlocking the Potential:

With the upgraded printers, you will witness a remarkable transformation in their speed, accuracy, and overall performance. You’ll be able to tackle intricate designs, larger-scale projects, and even increase production capacity. By giving your old printers a new lease on life, you’re not only saving on costs but also reducing electronic waste – an environmentally responsible choice indeed!

Moreover, the DIY aspect of this upgrade brings an added sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. As you follow the step-by-step instructions and witness the improvements firsthand, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the technology behind 3D printers, enabling you to troubleshoot and optimize them with ease.


Before writing off your slow 3D printers as obsolete, take a moment to reconsider their potential. With our affordable DIY upgrade kit or an exploration of open-source projects, you can transform these machines into robust tools that meet your demands. Embrace the opportunity to revive your workshops and unlock unlimited creative possibilities.

So, why not share this blog post with fellow enthusiasts and revolutionize how the world views outdated 3D printers? Together, we can breathe new life into our workshop treasures and collectively contribute to a sustainable future.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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