A study has demonstrated that the Eplus3D machine is highly effective for producing dental prosthetics, as reported by 3DPrinting.com.


Introducing Eplus3D’s Game-Changing EP-M150 Additive Manufacturing Machine in the Dental Industry

The dental industry is undergoing a revolution, thanks to Eplus3D’s EP-M150 Additive Manufacturing machine. This cutting-edge technology is transforming the way dental practices operate, as showcased by a recent case study from 3Dental, a dental production company in Saint-Lô, France. In collaboration with BioSummer 3D, 3Dental sought to push the boundaries of customization beyond industry standards, and they found their answer in the EP-M150.

One of the standout features of the EP-M150 is its cost-effectiveness, allowing dental practices to produce high-quality dental frameworks without compromising on quality. This has been a game-changer in the industry, as it alleviates the financial strain on dental practices, enabling them to offer top-notch dental restorations at competitive prices. Fabien Lemarinel, Director General at 3Dental, expressed their commitment to revolutionizing the world of dental prosthetics by embracing the most advanced technology available, while maintaining an unparalleled standard of excellence. This commitment led them to Eplus3D and their innovative EP-M150 machine.

The EP-M150’s exceptional performance has made it financially viable for 3Dental to fully embrace this technology, leading them to plan their acquisition of four more machines in the future. This decision further highlights their dedication to precision, quality, and efficiency. By collaborating with Eplus3D, 3Dental recognizes the exciting possibilities that lie ahead, thanks to their shared commitment to excellence.

But the excitement doesn’t end there. 3Dental invites everyone to join the conversation and share their thoughts on this groundbreaking technology. Connect with them on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to stay updated on the latest developments in additive manufacturing. And for a weekly dose of additive manufacturing news delivered right to your inbox, don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter.

The dental industry is evolving, and Eplus3D’s EP-M150 Additive Manufacturing machine is at the forefront of this transformation. Witness the power of innovation and excellence as 3Dental sets a new standard in dental prosthetics.

Original source


“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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