SharkNinja incorporates 3D printing into the design and development of their products.


SharkNinja, the inventive small appliance manufacturer, is making its mark in the world of 3D printing. Based in Needham, Massachusetts, the company has quickly gained recognition for its innovative product design and development. Despite being a relatively new company, SharkNinja has managed to build a stock market value of US$4.7 billion.

SharkNinja specializes in various products including vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, kitchen appliances, and food products. One of its most popular products is the Ninja Creami, which allows customers to create customized ice cream and sorbet using fruit.

To ensure that its products remain at the cutting edge of innovation, SharkNinja has incorporated 3D printing into its design and development processes. With employees skilled in 3D printing, the company operates on a 24-hour design cycle, allowing its teams in China, London, and Boston to work collaboratively and constantly improve their products.

The opportunities for 3D printing in the kitchen and personal appliance industry are vast. Many products in this realm can be successfully 3D printed, including the Ooni pizza oven, Miso food robots, food models, taco kits, and functional outdoor solutions. Even the way we shop for groceries can be revolutionized by 3D printing technology.

In addition to these exciting applications, companies like SharkNinja can also benefit from the Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit. This tax credit is available to companies engaged in developing new or improved products, processes, or software. By incorporating 3D printing into their R&D activities, companies can maximize their potential tax benefits.

3D printing can boost a company’s R&D Tax Credits in several ways. Wages for technical employees involved in creating, testing, and revising 3D printed prototypes can be included as eligible expenses. Similarly, the time spent integrating 3D printing hardware and software into existing processes is also considered an eligible activity. Even the costs of filaments consumed during the development process can be recovered.

For SharkNinja, 3D printing presents an exciting avenue for further innovation. Just as we have brought 3D printers into our backyards, swimming pools, and garages, it’s time to introduce them into our kitchens. With 3D printing, we can help SharkNinja serve up even more innovative solutions for our everyday needs.

In conclusion, SharkNinja’s integration of 3D printing technology into its design and development processes is a testament to its commitment to innovation. By embracing 3D printing, the company is able to bring new and improved products to consumers faster than ever before. With the potential tax benefits of the R&D Tax Credit, companies like SharkNinja have even more incentive to explore the possibilities of 3D printing. So, let’s embrace this exciting technology and see what it can bring to our kitchens. It’s time to make dinner with the help of 3D printers!

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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