The use of 3D printing technology provides a cost-effective solution for amputees seeking mobility with the creation of finger prostheses.


A groundbreaking invention has emerged from the mind of David Edquilang, a recent graduate from the University of Houston. His creation, called “Lunet,” is a 3D printable finger prosthesis that aims to revolutionize the way amputees regain finger functionality.

Traditional finger prostheses have long been known for their high cost and complex assembly process. However, Lunet breaks this mold by offering a simple and affordable solution. With just a 3D printer and basic assembly skills, anyone can create their own functional finger prosthesis without the need for expensive metal fasteners, adhesives, or specialized tools.

Edquilang’s motivation behind Lunet is to make this essential technology accessible to all. Many individuals in need of a finger prosthesis are unable to afford one due to the hefty price tag. By freely sharing the design online, Edquilang hopes to democratize access to this life-changing innovation.

The success of Lunet lies in its simplicity and durability. Under the guidance of Associate Professor Jeff Feng, Edquilang honed the design through experimentation. By intentionally identifying weak points and implementing necessary adjustments, he was able to create a stronger and more functional prosthesis.

The innovative design of Lunet has not gone unnoticed. It recently received the prestigious 2023 Red Dot: Luminary award, solidifying its impact on the field. This recognition highlights the potential of 3D printing to accelerate development in the prosthetic industry and improve the lives of amputees worldwide.

The significance of Lunet goes beyond its ability to restore finger functionality. It signifies a shift in the way we approach healthcare technology. Edquilang’s decision to provide the design for free showcases the power of open-source innovation. By opening doors and removing barriers, we can foster creativity and collaboration, ultimately leading to advancements that benefit society as a whole.

We invite you to share your thoughts on this groundbreaking invention on our social media platforms. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly additive manufacturing newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest stories in this exciting field. Together, we can create a future where everyone has access to life-changing technologies like Lunet.

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“Why did the 3D printer go to therapy? Because it had too many layers of unresolved issues!”

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